Week 1.1: Getting Started - How This Works
Apprenticeship, redefined
Week 1.2: Getting Started - Who Is My Cultivate Champion?
Because starting is easy, but finishing well is hard.
- Intro
- Scenario
- Get Prepared: Read Finding a Cultivate Champion
- Get Prepared: Read Cultivate Champion Relational Covenant
- Choose a Cultivate Champion
- Meet with your potential Cultivate Champion
- Invite your Cultivate Champion to the Cultivate System
- Upload your signed covenant.
- Begin Meeting
- Reflection Questions
Week 1.3: Getting Started - Your Coach
Who will ask you the right questions?
Week 1.4: Getting Started - Your Time
How will you free up your most precious resource?
Week 2.1: Calling - Why Plant Churches?
What do you say to others—and yourself—to that all-important question: why?
Week 2.2: Calling - My Planter Profile
Are you ready to plant a church?
Week 3.1: Calling - Proverbs 19:20 Project
Gaining the insight you need from those who’ve gone before you
Week 3.2: Calling - Priority of Prayer
When you walk into the battle, who will be at your side?
Week 4.1: Context - Out of the Culture
How do you build a church where messy, broken people meet Jesus?
Week 4.2: Context - What makes this place so unique?
Finding keys to unlock the doors between Christ and Culture
Week 5.1: Context - Barriers and Bridges
Do you know what helps people in your community come to faith—and what doesn’t?
Week 5.2: Context - Create a Cultural Profile
Who has God called you to reach?
Week 6.1: Clarity - A Church Unique
What kind of church will we be?
Week 6.2: Clarity - Better
What can you do better than 10,000 churches?
Week 7.1: Clarity - What's Important?
What do you really value?
Week 7.2: Clarity - Create a Vision Frame
What is your vision?
Week 8: Clarity - Napkin Test
Can you really communicate your vision?
Week 9.1: Core - Who then What
Who will join with you in your vision?
Week 9.2: Core - Habits Create Culture
Translating values into habits and habits into culture
Week 10.1: Core - Count the Cost
How much does it really cost to start a church?
Week 10.2: Core - Make an Ask
Are you willing to ask people of faith to fund your vision?
Week 11: Core - Create a Core Building Plan
What kind of foundation will you lay?
Week 12.1: Build Relationships - Jesus in the Neighborhood
How will you re-present Him?
Week 12.2: Build Relationships - Re-Orient
What needs to change?
Week 13.1: Build Relationships - The Power of Networks
What does it really take to create relational momentum?
Week 13.2: Build Relationships - Start Where They Are
What are the stages on the journey to faith?
Week 14: Build Relationships - Create a Relational Momentum Plan
How will you create relational momentum?
Week 15.1: Create Community - A Place to Belong
Where can people belong before they believe?
Week 15.2: Create Community - Throw a Party
Can you party like Jesus?
Week 16: Create Community - Start a Group
How do you intentionally create community?
Week 17: Create Community - Create a Multiply-Community Plan
How will you multiply community?
Week 18.1: Serve Your Neighbor - Serve First
What What does it mean for the body of Christ to serve first?does it mean for the body of Christ to serve first?
Week 18.2: Serve Your Neighbor - Seeing Needs
What are the visible needs of your neighbors?
Week 19.1: Serve Your Neighbor - Community Interviews
Who knows what your neighbors need?
Week 19.2: Serve Your Neighbor - Purposeful Acts of Kindness
Whom can you serve?
Week 20: Serve Your Neighbor - Creating Your Serving Plan
How will your church transform your city?
Week 21.1: Lead People to Faith - Helping People Find Their Way
How do people come to faith?
Week 21.2: Lead People to Faith - Getting Past the Superficial
What fears keep you from sharing your faith?
Week 22.1: Lead People to Faith - Sharing Your Faith
How will you communicate the good news?
Week 22.2: Lead People to Faith - Equipped for Every Good Work
How will you equip others to share the good news?
Week 23: Lead People to Faith - Create an Evangelism Plan
How will you create an evangelistically effective church?
Week 24.1: Help People Grow - Making Disciples
What if your only measure of success was making more and better disciples?
Week 24.2: Help People Grow - How Do You Know When You've Got One?
How do you define a disciple of Jesus?
Week 25.1: Help People Grow - Theory of Change
What causes real, lasting change in someone's life?
Week 25.2: Help People Grow - Formation Models
How will you make disciples?
Week 26: Help People Grow - Create a Spiritual Growth Plan
How will you help people become who God intended them to be?
Week 27.1: Develop Leaders - Exponential Growth
How does the church grow exponentially?
Week 27.2: Develop Leaders - Learning from the Learner
What do emerging leaders need?
Week 28.1: Develop Leaders - Who's Next? What's Next?
Who will you invest in?
Week 28.2: Develop Leaders - Pick an Apprentice
Who will you invest in?
Week 29: Develop Leaders - Create a Leadership Development Plan
How will you develop leaders?
Week 30.1: Gather to Grow - The Church Planting Myth
What expectations do you have about the church you’re starting?
Week 30.2: Gather to Grow - Welcome
How will you welcome people to your community?
Week 31: Gather to Grow - Catalytic Gatherings
What will you do when you invite people to gather each week?
Week 32: Gather to Grow - Children
How will your church make disciples of children?
Week 33: Gather to Grow - Business Matters
Are you prepared for the administrative and legal responsibilities of leading a church?
Week 34: Gather to Grow - Communications
How do you get your message to the right people at the right time?
Week 35: Scale & Multiply - Create a Comprehensive Ministry Plan
How will you get people to partner with you?
Week 36.1: Scale & Multiply - What Gets Measured Gets Done
How do you know if you're on track?
Week 36.2: Scale & Multiply - Multiply
A multiplying movement starts with one.
Reproducing Leaders